Sources of Encouragement {From One Mom to Another}

Shortly after Sally Clarkson's annual Mom Heart Conference at the beginning of this year, I did some online research and compiled a list of moms I could find online who had attended one of the three conferences and shared what they had learned and how they had been blessed.  Before I knew it, the hype of the conference had passed and the information I had gathered - but hadn't had the time to finish and post - seemed to be old news.  With Mother's Day being tomorrow however, I felt compelled to blog about the sources I have received encouragement from as a mother.  It seemed a perfect time to pull up this draft and complete it!

Now there's a lot here and I don't expect you to read it all in one sitting.  So maybe Bookmark this post or Pin it to refer back to when you're needing a little more refreshment.

Here's a glimpse into the 2012 Mom Heart Conferences that were held in February.  For those of you not familiar with the Mom Heart Conference, you can read about the one I got to attend a couple years ago here.

Heavenly Glimpses:
In Which I've Contemplated Hiring Sally as Supernanny {And the Mom Heart Conference!

Moms In Need of Mercy:
The Mom Heart Conference:  Encouragement, Rejuvenation, Inspiration

I Take Joy:
Training My Princess

The Farmer's Nest:
Mom Heart Conference 2012 {Recap}

Inspired to Action:
The Best Advice I Heard at the Mom Heart Conference

Raisin' 4:
Mom Heart Conference Meets GMG!

Women Living Well:
Top 10 Quotes on Motherhood

Nunez News: 
Mom Heart Conference {A Mom Like Me} - Part 1
Mom Heart Conference {The Importance of Daily Fellowship} - Part 2
Mom Heart Conference {Becoming a Heart-shaping Mother} - Part 3

Posts on Sally Clarkson's Facebook Wall:
Whittney Bevington Hoyler 
"You are the Bible your kids are reading." - Sally Clarkson
Jennifer Brown Crawford
"No mom alive will ever be perfect, or even always adequate.  But for those who serve in a spirit of love and joy, there will always be strings of living connection between the heart of a child and her mom, tying them together forever."  Gotta love
Sally Clarkson!
Laura Heimer Warrick 
If you have little boys who need to brush up on manners, I have a book to recommend to you. Good Manners for a Little Warrior by Kelly Chapman (she has a princess book too) is a winner. I got it at Sally Clarkson's Mom Heart Conference this weekend, kind of as an after thought, and read a chapter to Jonathan (6) and Joshua (4) earlier this evening and they ASKED for the second chapter before bed AND Joshua tried to smuggle it to bed.

Kimberly McCuistion 
Is there a way we can access Joy's video that you showed at the conference in Dallas? I was telling my husband about it and wanted him to hear what Joy had to say and how well she said it because she does it so well :). Her topic is one we've discussed and went back and forth on and I really like her perspective on the whole thing! She is very inspiring and convincing :). Thanks!

Sally Clarkson 

Theresa Horton Miller
Those of you who know of or follow Sally Clarkson (or have never heard of her before, but are passionate about raising up a family of leaders), you may not want to miss this [blog post]. Also included is Sally's 16-year-old daughter's speech that blew me away at her recent conference! 

Natalie Haber
I heard this video at the conference. I prayed a small prayer a year ago asking the Lord to help me raise my children the way he was showing me. "I have no idea how to do that I told Him" He answered my prayer through Sally Clarkson. He has graciously humbled me and continues to open my eyes to where I have been stuck on rules and formulas. Leading me to the path of His joy and freedom:) I hope this blesses you to!

In closing, if you're interested, here are some of the sources I have gone/go to, as a mom, for encouragement, inspiration, instruction and refreshment:

Mission of Motherhood: Touching Your Child's Heart for Eternity by Sally Clarkson
Ministry of Motherhood: Following Christ's Example in Reaching the Hearts of Our Children by Sally Clarkson
Dancing With My Father: How God Leads Us into a Life of Grace and Joy by Sally Clarkson
Heartfelt Discipline: The Gentle Art of Training and Guiding Your Child by Clay Clarkson
Start Your Family: Inspiration for Having Babies by Steve and Candice Watters
Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations by Alex and Brett Harris
Start Here: Doing Hard Things Right Where You Are by Alex and Brett Harris
The Duggars: 20 and Counting! by Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar
A Love That Multiplies by Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar
(Note: To get what I like to call my "Dose of the Duggars," I go here to watch episodes from their TV show!)

Blogs: My Online Oases
Arielle Elise 
Grace 2 Be
Money Saving Mom
Aimee Weaver
I Take Joy

Mom Heart Blog
Q. Who has helped you form your parenting philosophies?  What resources have greatly impacted the way you parent?

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